
I can understand why you are upset.我能了解你為什麼不高興

I don’t blame you for being mad. 我不怪你生氣

I guess you are feeling cornered; everyone has that feeling sometimes. 我猜想你再煩惱 每個人有時都會有那種感覺

(to feel cornered = in trouble)

What are you fretting about? What can I do to support you? 什麼是讓你煩惱呢 我能為你做些什麼嗎

(to fret about = to worry about)

Talking things over is a good way to solve problem. Do you want to talk it over?把事情說開是解決問題的好方法 你想把他說開嗎

The first thing you must do is to calm yourself. 你第一件要做得事 就是自己要冷靜下來

You may find some like-minded friends to talk about your problem. 你可以找些志同道合的朋友談談你的問題

(like-minded is adjective 志趣相投)

If it is not your worry, just let it lie. 假如不是你的苦惱 就讓它去吧

(to let it lie= to let it go)

Don’t freak out; it is not the end of the world. 不必過分煩惱 這不是世界末日

(to freak out= over-worried or over-react)

Worry can only produce frustration, tension, and failure. (worry is noun)煩惱只會造成憤怒 緊張和失敗

Worry only when if and when the problem actually comes up. (worry is verb)只有問題真正發生時 才去操心

Our life has its ups and downs and we need someone to ride with us. 在我們的生命中 都有得意和失意的時候 我們需要有人的鼓勵和扶持

(to ride with = to go along or to encourage)

I am here to cheer you up; don’t cry at the drop of a hat. 不是來這裡逗你高興的 不要為了小事情而生氣

(drop of a hat= don’t get upset for minor things easily 指小事情 就像掉下帽子一樣 是很平常的事)

Cheer up! It could always be worse; it was not as bad as it could have been. 振作起來吧! 事情可能很糟 但不會有想像中的那麼糟

What happened to you has happened to everyone one time or another. 發生在你身上的事 有時也發生在別人身上

It’s better to let off steam and talk about your troubles. 發洩一下激動的情緒 談談你的問題 總有幫助

(to let off or blow off steam= to lose emotional stress 本是放掉蒸氣 即減少壓力)

Under the circumstances, your reaction was natural and justified. 在此情況下 你的反應是自然且正當的

I can understand that this has caused you a great deal of difficulty and embarrassment. 我了解這件事造成你許多的困擾和尷尬

He is no gentleman and you don’t have to sink to his level.他不是有教養的人 你不必跟他同流合汙

(He is no gentleman 是口語; 正式的說法是He is not a gentleman)

(to sink to one’s level= to do what one does)

Don’t worry! I am rooting for you. 不要擔心 我會為你加油

( to root for someone 為某人打氣 會支持某人)

Calm your fears; don’t panic. 平息你的恐懼 不要驚慌失措

Let’s work out this problem together; we can try to come up with a better solution. 讓我們一起解決這問題 我們能想出較好的辦法

Things will get better; it’s only a matter of time. 事情會好轉 只是時間問題

When emotions run high, people often say things they regret. 當情緒激動時 人們總說些容易後悔的話

Try to give him some time to cool off and sort out his feelings. 給他一點時間讓他冷靜下來 調整一下他的心情

Just take it easy; what is done is done, so don’t flog yourself. 放鬆些 做了就做了 不必太責怪自己

(to flog= to beat 鞭打; flog flogged flogging)

(take it easy, 有十告別時 也只請保重” it 指任和事情 不能省略)

耶~~ 打這個打了兩次 終於順利完成了


我覺得有些話 我自己聽了都覺得很有道理


真的有被安慰到喔 哈哈

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    Mandy Ko


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